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Shiroles, Talamanca, COSTA RICA

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Closed Projects

Carbon sequestration and development of green markets on cacao farms and other indigenous agroforestry systems in Talamanca

The objective of this project was to design a strategy for establishing a regional market for the payment of environmental services on cacao farms and other agroforestry systems in a pilot zone of the Bribrí and Cabécar indigenous territories.

Duration: 2004-2006

Co-implementing institutions:

ADITIBRI (Indigenous Bribrí Integral Development Associacion of Talamanca, spanish acronym)

ADITICA (Indigenous Cabecár Integral Development Associacion of Talamanca, spanish acronym)

ACICAFOC (Indigenous People and Farmer Coordinating Associacion for Community-based Agroforestry

MINAE (Ministry of the Environment and Energy)

CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center)

Donor: World Banc - Japanese Trust